Present Simple Tense - Daily Routine
Английский язык

1. The robot doesn t take breaks. 2. The robot doesn t go shopping. 3. The robot usually wakes up at a certain time

1. The robot doesn"t take breaks.
2. The robot doesn"t go shopping.
3. The robot usually wakes up at a certain time.
4. The robot always gets cleaned.
5. The robot brushes its hair daily.
6. The robot has breakfast.
7. The robot needs to have two cups of tea.
8. The robot does the laundry.
9. The robot frequently takes showers.
10. The robot always completes its homework.
11. The robot does the ironing on Sundays.
12. The robot watches TV.
13. The robot occasionally has geography lessons.
14. The robot arrives home late.
15. The robot typically ventilates the room.
16. The robot goes to school punctually.
17. The robot often eats biscuits.
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  • Zagadochnyy_Peyzazh
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    Present Simple Tense - Daily Routine

    Объяснение: The present simple tense is used to talk about general truths, facts, or habits. It is commonly used to describe daily routines or regular activities. In the given sentences, we are describing the daily routine of a robot. Each sentence talks about a specific action that the robot typically does or doesn"t do.

    1. The robot doesn"t take breaks. - Робот не берет перерывы.
    2. The robot doesn"t go shopping. - Робот не ходит за покупками.
    3. The robot usually wakes up at a certain time. - Робот обычно просыпается в определенное время.
    4. The robot always gets cleaned. - Робот всегда чистят.
    5. The robot brushes its hair daily. - Робот расчесывает свои волосы ежедневно.
    6. The robot has breakfast. - Робот завтракает.
    7. The robot needs to have two cups of tea. - Робот должен выпить две чашки чая.
    8. The robot does the laundry. - Робот стирает одежду.
    9. The robot frequently takes showers. - Робот часто принимает душ.
    10. The robot always completes its homework. - Робот всегда завершает уроки.
    11. The robot does the ironing on Sundays. - Робот глажку делает по воскресеньям.
    12. The robot watches TV. - Робот смотрит телевизор.
    13. The robot occasionally has geography lessons. - Робот иногда имеет уроки географии.
    14. The robot arrives home late. - Робот приезжает домой поздно.
    15. The robot typically ventilates the room. - Робот обычно проветривает комнату.
    16. The robot goes to bed early. - Робот ложится спать рано.

    Пример: Напишите 5 предложений о вашей ежедневной рутине, используя глаголы в Present Simple Tense.

    Совет: To better understand the use of the present simple tense for describing daily routines, it is helpful to practice forming sentences and asking questions using this tense. Pay attention to the third-person singular form of the verbs (he/she/it form) as it often requires adding "s" or "es" to the base form of the verb. Practice using time expressions such as "usually", "always", "often", "sometimes", "occasionally", "frequently" to describe the frequency of actions.

    Проверочное упражнение: Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple Tense, используя третью форму единственного числа.
    1. She (eat) breakfast every morning.
    2. They (go) to the park on Sundays.
    3. He (study) English at a language school.
    4. The cat (sleep) on the windowsill in the afternoon.
    5. We (play) football on weekends.
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