Reflexive Pronouns
Английский язык

1) Thank you. I truly enjoyed the day before. 2) They email each other every day. 3) Our cat hurt itself when it jumped

1) Thank you. I truly enjoyed the day before.
2) They email each other every day.
3) Our cat hurt itself when it jumped off the roof.
4) Emily and Ryan bid farewell to each other.
5) She introduced herself and asked me for my name.
6) Sometimes you talk to each other but don"t realize it.
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  • Magicheskiy_Tryuk
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    Grammar: Reflexive Pronouns

    Разъяснение: Reflexive pronouns in Russian are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence. They indicate that the action of the verb is performed by the subject on themselves. In Russian, reflexive pronouns have different forms depending on the case and gender.

    1) Я искренне насладился/насладилась вчерашним днем. (I truly enjoyed the day before.)
    2) Они пишут друг другу письма каждый день. (They email each other every day.)
    3) Наша кошка повредила себя, когда спрыгнула с крыши. (Our cat hurt itself when it jumped off the roof.)
    4) Эмили и Райан попрощались друг с другом. (Emily and Ryan bid farewell to each other.)
    5) Она представилась и спросила меня о моем имени. (She introduced herself and asked me for my name.)
    6) Иногда вы разговариваете друг с другом, но не замечаете этого. (Sometimes you talk to each other but don"t realize it.)

    Совет: When using reflexive pronouns, make sure to use the correct form depending on the gender and case of the noun. Practice identifying reflexive verbs and using them in sentences to reinforce your understanding.

    Задание: Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, используя соответствующие возвратные местоимения:

    1) They helped each other solve the problem.
    2) I accidentally cut myself while cooking.
    3) We often meet each other in the park.
    4) The students congratulated each other on their graduation.
    5) He blamed himself for the mistake.
    6) Did you enjoy yourselves at the party?
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