Английский язык

1 She often takes my clothes without asking for permission, but she never admits to it. 2 I asked to have a seat near

1 She often takes my clothes without asking for permission, but she never admits to it.
2 I asked to have a seat near the window.
3 The police officer looked closely at my passport.
4 Are you talking about the World Cup?
5 I found out the hiding place of my brother"s diary.
6 Please give back my pen after you borrow it!
7 After his exams, he took a day off to get over them.
Верные ответы (1):
  • Николаевич
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    Описание: В данных предложениях используется неопределенная форма глагола (Infinitive) после определенных глаголов (Verbs of Perception) - "takes", "asked", "looked", "talking", "found out", "give back", "took".

    1. She often takes my clothes without asking for permission, but she never admits to it.
    2. I asked to have a seat near the window.
    3. The police officer looked closely at my passport.
    4. Are you talking about the World Cup?
    5. I found out the hiding place of my brother"s diary.
    6. Please give back my pen after you borrow it!
    7. After his exams, he took a day off to get over them.

    Совет: При использовании неопределенной формы (Infinitive) после глаголов восприятия (Verbs of Perception) обратите внимание на то, что действие выражается без указания на время или лицо. В таких случаях используется основная форма (базовая форма) глагола, без окончания на -ed, -s, -ing.

    Задача для проверки: Перепишите предложения, заменив неопределенную форму глагола (Infinitive) на простое прошедшее время (Simple Past):
    1. She often takes my clothes without asking for permission, but she never admits to it.
    2. I asked to have a seat near the window.
    3. The police officer looked closely at my passport.
    4. Are you talking about the World Cup?
    5. I found out the hiding place of my brother"s diary.
    6. Please give back my pen after you borrow it!
    7. After his exams, he took a day off to get over them.
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