Христофор Колумб
Английский язык

1. Reorder the following sentences (a-e) to complete the text. Put the modified sentences in the correct spaces (1-5

1. Reorder the following sentences (a-e) to complete the text. Put the modified sentences in the correct spaces (1-5).

a. Finally, after all the preparations were complete, September 6th arrived, and the ships were once again ready. They set sail once more, heading out to sea.
b. His plan was to sail from Europe towards the west, across the vast ocean, in search of the lands of Asia known as the Indies. His goal was to discover a sea route that would lead him to the riches of the Indies, including pearls, gold, spices, silk, and perfumes.
c. Then, on the evening of September 9th, the last glimpse of the island vanished from sight. At this moment, the true voyage had indeed begun.
d. At that time, the only known continents were Europe, Asia, and Africa. These three continents together constituted a massive landmass.
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  • Ян_2041
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    Тема вопроса: Великие географические открытия: Христофор Колумб

    Объяснение: Христофор Колумб был известным итальянским мореплавателем и исследователем, который сыграл ключевую роль в истории великих географических открытий. В 1492 году Колумб представил свой амбициозный план королю Испании: плыть из Европы к западу через огромный океан в поисках земель Азии, известной как "Индии". Его целью было открыть морской путь, который привел бы его к богатствам Индии: жемчугу, золоту, пряностям, шелку и духам.

    Доп. материал:
    1. Номер 1: "His plan was to sail from Europe towards the west, across the vast ocean, in search of the lands of Asia known as the Indies. His goal was to discover a sea route that would lead him to the riches of the Indies, including pearls, gold, spices, silk, and perfumes."
    2. Номер 2: "Then, on the evening of September 9th, the last..."
    3. Номер 3: "Finally, after all the preparations were complete, September 6th arrived, and the ships were once again ready. They set sail once more, heading out to sea."
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