Форма indirect speech (косвенная речь
Английский язык

1. John asked if anyone had seen the film. 2. He asked if you were listening to music then. 3. She asked if

1. John asked if anyone had seen the film.
2. He asked if you were listening to music then.
3. She asked if you had been working hard on this problem.
4. She asked if you had been in the library the day before.
5. He asked if she works now.
6. He asked if she had been reading this book since Monday.
7. Jane asked if anyone could tell her what you had been discussing all the time.
8. He asked if you would be at Nick and Carol"s party tonight.
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  • Вечный_Сон
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    Форма indirect speech (косвенная речь)

    Объяснение: Косвенная речь используется, когда мы передаем, что кто-то сказал, но не повторяем его слова дословно, а передаем смысл его высказывания. В косвенной речи обычно используются глаголы репортажа (ask, say, tell и т.д.) и вводные слова (if, whether).

    Безличные замены:
    - If anyone had seen the film - He asked if anyone had seen the film.
    - If you were listening to music then - He asked if you were listening to music then.
    - If you had been working hard on this problem - She asked if you had been working hard on this problem.
    - If you had been in the library the day before - She asked if you had been in the library the day before.
    - If she works now - He asked if she works now.
    - If she had been reading this book since Monday - He asked if she had been reading this book since Monday.
    - If anyone could tell her what you had been discussing all the time - Jane asked if anyone could tell her what you had been discussing all the time.
    - If you would be at Nick and Carol"s party tonight - He asked if you would be at Nick and Carol"s party tonight.

    Совет: Для перехода от прямой к косвенной речи, внимательно следите за временами глаголов и проникнитесь смыслом высказывания.

    Задача для проверки: Перепишите приведенные предложения в косвенной речи.

    1. Он спросил, видел ли кто-нибудь фильм.
    2. Он спросил, слушали ли вы музыку тогда.
    3. Она спросила, работали ли вы усердно над этой проблемой.
    4. Она спросила, были ли вы в библиотеке на прошлой неделе.
    5. Он спросил, работает ли она сейчас.
    6. Он спросил, читала ли она эту книгу с понедельника.
    7. Джейн спросила, мог ли кто-нибудь рассказать ей, о чем вы все это время говорили.
    8. Он спросил, будете ли вы сегодня вечером на вечеринке у Ника и Кэрол.
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