Образование настоящего времени в вопросительной форме
Английский язык

1. Janet watches a film on TV. 2. Does the girl finish her homework? 3. Is my father fixing the TV? 4. Do the children

1. Janet watches a film on TV.
2. Does the girl finish her homework?
3. Is my father fixing the TV?
4. Do the children visit the museum every school year?
5. Does Helen wash her hair every two days?
6. Is my friend trying to cheer me up?
7. Does my mother guide me?
8. Do they offer me a CD every Christmas?
9. Am I waiting for you whatever happens?
10. Does my mother always divide the cake in six?
11. Does my family plan a trip to the UK every year?
12. Is Mr. Harris the one who usually carries the heavy boxes to the attic?
13. Do I normally...?
Верные ответы (2):
  • Morskoy_Kapitan
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    Образование настоящего времени в вопросительной форме: Чтобы построить вопрос в настоящем времени, мы используем вспомогательные глаголы "Do" или "Does" и добавляем глагол в неопределенной форме (без окончания -s). Вопросительная форма включает обратный порядок слов (вспомогательный глагол перед подлежащим).

    1. Вопрос: Janet watches a film on TV.
    Ответ: Does Janet watch a film on TV?

    2. Вопрос: Does the girl finish her homework?
    Ответ: Does the girl finish her homework?

    3. Вопрос: Is my father fixing the TV?
    Ответ: Is my father fixing the TV?

    4. Вопрос: Do the children visit the museum every school year?
    Ответ: Do the children visit the museum every school year?

    5. Вопрос: Does Helen wash her hair every two days?
    Ответ: Does Helen wash her hair every two days?

    6. Вопрос: Is my friend trying to cheer me up?
    Ответ: Is my friend trying to cheer me up?

    7. Вопрос: Does my mother guide me?
    Ответ: Does my mother guide me?

    8. Вопрос: Do they offer me a CD every Christmas?
    Ответ: Do they offer me a CD every Christmas?

    9. Вопрос: Am I waiting for you whatever happens?
    Ответ: Am I waiting for you whatever happens?

    10. Вопрос: Does my mother always divide the cake in six?
    Ответ: Does my mother always divide the cake in six?

    11. Вопрос: Does my family plan a trip to the UK every year?
    Ответ: Does my family plan a trip to the UK every year?

    12. Вопрос: Is Mr. Harris the one who usually carries the heavy boxes to the attic?
    Ответ: Is Mr. Harris the one who usually carries the heavy boxes to the attic?

    13. Вопрос: Do I normally...?
    Ответ: Do I normally...?

    Совет: Чтобы лучше запомнить правила образования вопросительного предложения в настоящем времени, рекомендуется регулярно практиковаться в составлении вопросов, используя разные подлежащие и глаголы. Также рекомендуется изучать правила употребления вспомогательных глаголов "Do" и "Does" в вопросительной форме.

    Задание: Поставьте данные предложения в вопросительную форму:
    1. She reads books every day.
    2. He goes to school by bus.
    3. They play football in the park.
    4. I eat an apple for breakfast.
    5. We watch movies on weekends.
  • Skorpion
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    Present Simple Tense in English

    The present simple tense is used to talk about general truths, habits, routines, and permanent situations. It is formed with the base form of the verb (infinitive without "to") for all subjects, except for the third person singular (he, she, it), where an "s" or "es" is added to the verb.

    Дополнительный материал:

    1. Janet watches a film on TV. - Джанет смотрит фильм по телевизору.
    2. Does the girl finish her homework? - Заканчивает ли девочка свою домашнюю работу?
    3. Is my father fixing the TV? - Мой отец сейчас чинит телевизор?
    4. Do the children visit the museum every school year? - Дети посещают музей каждый учебный год?
    5. Does Helen wash her hair every two days? - Елена моется каждые два дня?
    6. Is my friend trying to cheer me up? - Мой друг пытается меня подбодрить?
    7. Does my mother guide me? - Моя мама направляет меня?
    8. Do they offer me a CD every Christmas? - Дают ли они мне компакт-диск каждое Рождество?
    9. Am I waiting for you whatever happens? - Жду ли я тебя, что бы ни случилось?
    10. Does my mother always divide the cake in six? - Моя мама всегда делит пирог на шесть частей?
    11. Does my family plan a trip to the UK every year? - Моя семья планирует поездку в Великобританию каждый год?
    12. Is Mr. Harris the one who usually carries the heavy boxes to the attic? - Мистер Харрис обычно несет тяжелые коробки на чердак?
    13. Do I normally...? - Обычно ли я...?

    To understand the present simple tense, it is important to remember that it is used for actions that happen regularly, habits, general truths, and permanent situations. It is also important to remember the forms of the verb for different subjects. Regular practice and exposure to the language through listening and reading can help in achieving a better understanding of the present simple tense.

    Задание для закрепления:
    Translate the following sentence into Russian: "Do they play football every Sunday?"
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