1. Is Russia going to become a significant player on the global stage in the near future?
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1. Is Russia going to become a significant player on the global stage in the near future? 2. Did Russia have political

1. Is Russia going to become a significant player on the global stage in the near future?
2. Did Russia have political influence in the past?
3. Does Russia"s economy depend on oil prices?
4. Is Russia taking measures to protect itself against terrorist attacks?
5. How often does the election of the President take place?
6. When was the political system of Russia established by the Constitution?
7. Has the Russian economy been experiencing sustained growth due to recent reforms in banking, labor, and private property?
8. How does Russia continually enhance its international relationships and cooperation year after year?
Верные ответы (1):
  • Orel_399
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    1. Is Russia going to become a significant player on the global stage in the near future?
    Пояснение: Russia is already considered a significant player on the global stage due to its vast territory, nuclear arsenal, and its role as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Additionally, Russia possesses significant geopolitical influence, especially in its neighboring regions. However, whether Russia will continue to rise as a major global player in the future depends on various factors, such as its economic development, political stability, and international relations. It is difficult to predict with certainty, as these factors can change over time, but Russia"s potential to become a significant player remains high.

    Пример: Analyze the current global trends and Russian policies to predict whether Russia will increase its influence in the future.

    Совет: To understand Russia"s potential as a significant global player, it is essential to study its history, political system, economy, foreign policy, and regional dynamics. Stay updated with current affairs and pay attention to how Russia positions itself in international organizations and negotiations.

    Закрепляющее упражнение: Discuss the main factors that contribute to a country becoming a significant player on the global stage. Provide examples of other countries that have achieved this status and analyze how Russia compares to them.

    Note: This answer reflects a balanced approach and acknowledges that the future is uncertain, and Russia"s influence can change based on various factors and geopolitical dynamics.
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