1) Is it a fish? ...No, it isn t. What is it? ...It s something else 8) Is it Saturn? ...No, it isn t. What
1) Is it a fish? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
8) Is it Saturn? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
What is it? ...What is it referring to?
What is it? ...What is it referring to?
2) Is it a river? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
9) Is it a mountain? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
What is it? ...What is it referring to?
What is it? ...What is it referring to?
3) Is it a radio? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
10) Is it a CD player? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
What is it? ...What is it referring to?
What is it? ...What is it referring to?
4) Are these tomatoes? ...No, they aren"t. What are they? ...They are something else
11) Are these farms? ...No, they aren"t. What are they? ...They are something else
What are they? ...What are they referring to?
What are they? ...What are they referring to?
5) Are these pencils? ...No, they aren"t. What are they? ...They are something else
12) Is this a motorcycle? ...No, it isn"t. What are they? ...They are something else (Note: "they" should be replaced with "it" in order to match the original question)
06.12.2023 12:07
Инструкция: В данном задании вам предлагается определить, к чему относится то или иное слово, а затем указать, к чему оно относится. В каждом предложении есть вопрос "Is it a...?" (Это - ...) и ответ "No, it isn"t" (Нет, это не так). Затем следует вопрос "What is it?" (Что это?), на который нужно дать ответ "It"s something else" (Это что-то другое). Затем снова будет вопрос "What is it?" (Что это?) с целью указать, к чему относится предыдущее утверждение.
1) Is it a fish? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
- What is it referring to? (К чему это относится?)
- Answer: It is referring to something other than a fish. (Это относится к чему-то, не являющемуся рыбой.)
Совет: Для лучшего понимания задания важно внимательно читать и анализировать каждое предложение. Выделите ключевые слова в вопросе и ответе, чтобы понять, к чему относится формулировка.
2) Is it a river? ...No, it isn"t. What is it? ...It"s something else
- What is it referring to? (К чему это относится?)
- Answer: It is referring to something other than a river. (Это относится к чему-то, не являющемуся рекой.)