1. Hundreds of people were excitedly watching the burning houses. 2. Why do you have such a worried expression? I have
1. Hundreds of people were excitedly watching the burning houses.
2. Why do you have such a worried expression? I have been receiving numerous worrisome telephone calls lately.
3. While browsing leaflets, I stumbled upon an intriguing advertisement.
4. After having dinner, they continued their journey.
5. After being terrified by the tale, the frightened children refused to go to bed. Feeling tired, I went to bed early. Some of my friends who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
8. Upon hearing this dreadful noise, we ceased our conversation.
9. The woman who is playing the piano is my teacher.
03.03.2024 11:49
Все предложения, приведенные в задаче, содержат придаточные предложения, которые являются частью главных предложений и дополняют их информацией. В английском языке придаточные предложения могут начинаться со слов like "While", "After", "Upon", "Feeling" и других.
1. Предложение: Hundreds of people were excitedly watching the burning houses.
Придаточное предложение: who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
2. Предложение: Why do you have such a worried expression? I have been receiving numerous worrisome telephone calls lately.
Придаточное предложение: who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
3. Предложение: While browsing leaflets, I stumbled upon an intriguing advertisement.
Придаточное предложение: who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
4. Предложение: After having dinner, they continued their journey.
Придаточное предложение: who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
5. Предложение: After being terrified by the tale, the frightened children refused to go to bed.
Придаточное предложение: who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
8. Предложение: Upon hearing this dreadful noise, we ceased our conversation.
Придаточное предложение: who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
9. Предложение: The woman who is playing the piano
Придаточное предложение: who were invited to the party were unable to attend.
Доп. материал: Используя придаточные предложения можно добавить дополнительную информацию о предмете основного предложения. Например, в предложении "The woman who is playing the piano" придательное предложение "who is playing the piano" указывает на то, кто конкретно играет на пианино.
Совет: Чтобы лучше понимать придаточные предложения, важно уметь определить в какую часть предложения они входят и какую информацию они передают. Постепенно отрабатывайте навык анализа предложений и учитывайте связь между придаточными и главными предложениями.
Задание: Поставьте запятую перед придаточным предложением в предложении: "While studying for exams I realized that I need more practice."