Английский язык

1. How much food should competitors bring per day for the Marathon des Sables? 2. What is the recommended type of food

1. How much food should competitors bring per day for the Marathon des Sables?
2. What is the recommended type of food for competitors in the Marathon des Sables?
3. How many kilometers long is the Marathon des Sables course?
4. What is important for competitors to do in order to complete the Marathon des Sables?
5. What is the responsibility of competitors in terms of their own food during the Marathon des Sables?
6. EXTRA: What are some tips to help competitors survive the Marathon des Sables course?
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  • Taras
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    Marathon des Sables:

    Инструкция: Marathon des Sables is a multi-stage ultramarathon race held annually in the Sahara Desert. It is known as one of the toughest endurance races in the world. Competitors must be well-prepared physically, mentally, and in terms of their food and equipment to complete the race successfully.

    1. Competitors should bring a sufficient amount of food to sustain themselves throughout the race. Each day, they typically need to consume around 2,500 to 3,500 calories. This includes a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to provide energy, repair muscles, and maintain overall health. It is important to plan for lightweight, high-calorie food options like energy bars, dehydrated meals, nuts, dried fruits, and nutrition gels.

    2. The recommended type of food for competitors in the Marathon des Sables is one that is lightweight, high in calories, and easy to carry. Foods with a long shelf life and minimal packaging, such as dehydrated meals, are popular choices. Additionally, nutrient-dense foods like nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and energy bars are excellent sources of energy. Competitors are also advised to carry salt tablets to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating.

    3. The Marathon des Sables course is approximately 250 kilometers long. It typically consists of six stages, with varying distances covered each day. The race covers a variety of terrain, including sand dunes, rocky surfaces, and desert plains.

    4. To complete the Marathon des Sables, competitors must focus on several important aspects. Firstly, they need to build their stamina and endurance through regular training. It is crucial to follow a well-structured training program to prepare both physically and mentally for the challenges ahead. Additionally, nurturing proper foot care, managing hydration levels, and pacing oneself throughout the race are vital.

    5. Competitors are responsible for carrying their own food during the Marathon des Sables. They must carefully plan and pack their daily food requirements, ensuring they have enough sustenance to last the duration of each stage. Sharing food with fellow competitors is not allowed, so it is essential to consider individual nutrition needs.

    Совет: Competitors should undergo specific training to prepare for the physical demands of the race. Simulating race conditions, such as running on sand or uneven terrain, can help acclimatize the body. It is also important to gradually increase training intensity and duration to avoid injury and overexertion.

    Задание: If a competitor requires 2,800 calories per day, and their energy intake consists of 50% carbohydrates, 30% fats, and 20% proteins, calculate the number of calories they should consume from each macronutrient category.
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