Английский язык

1. Have you seen the Jackie Chan film on TV last night? 2. Have you already gone to the cinema three times this month?

1. Have you seen the Jackie Chan film on TV last night?
2. Have you already gone to the cinema three times this month?
3. Have you ever read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde?
4. Did you and George have dinner at that new Vietnamese restaurant in town last night?
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  • Lyudmila
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    Present Perfect Tense:
    Пояснение: Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about an action that started in the past and is still relevant or has just been completed. It is formed by using the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" followed by the past participle of the main verb. In the given sentences, Present Perfect Tense is used to ask about experiences or actions that have occurred up to the present moment.

    1. *Have you seen the Jackie Chan film on TV last night?*
    This sentence asks if the person has seen the Jackie Chan film that was on TV last night. The use of Present Perfect Tense suggests that the action of watching the movie happened in the past, but it is still relevant at the time of asking.

    2. *Have you already gone to the cinema three times this month?*
    This sentence asks if the person has already gone to the cinema three times within this month. Again, the use of Present Perfect Tense emphasizes that the action of going to the cinema in the past is still relevant in the present.

    3. *Have you ever read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde?*
    This sentence asks if the person has ever read the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about experiences, and in this case, it is used to inquire about the experience of reading this particular book.

    4. *Did you and George have dinner at that new Vietnamese restaurant in town last night?*
    This sentence uses the past simple tense "did have" instead of Present Perfect. It asks if the person and George had dinner at a new Vietnamese restaurant in town last night. The past simple tense is used to refer to a specific completed action in the past.

    Task: Transform the given sentences into present perfect tense.

    1. Ты смотрел фильм про Джеки Чана по ТВ вчера вечером?
    2. Ты уже был в кино три раза в этом месяце?
    3. Ты когда-нибудь читал "Портрет Дориана Грея" Оскара Уайльда?
    4. Ты и Джордж ужинали в новом вьетнамском ресторане в городе вчера вечером?

    Совет: To better understand and use Present Perfect Tense, it is important to remember that it is used to talk about past actions or experiences that still have relevance in the present. Pay attention to the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" and the correct form of the past participle of the main verb.

    Практика: Rewrite the following sentences using Present Perfect Tense:
    1. I went to Paris last year. (already)
    2. She ate sushi for the first time. (ever)
    3. We visited this museum in 2010. (never)
    4. They watched that movie two times. (just)
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