Present Simple Passive (Много Время Провести
Английский язык

1 Does he have his teeth checked twice a year? 2 Is her skirt being cleaned at the moment? 3 Do I have my hair trimmed

1 Does he have his teeth checked twice a year?
2 Is her skirt being cleaned at the moment?
3 Do I have my hair trimmed once a month?
4 Will central heating be installed in our house next month?
5 Was Sam"s burglar alarm fitted last week?
6 Is my car being repaired at the moment?
7 Has the band"s new single just been recorded?
8 Is our new furniture going to be delivered tomorrow?
9 Is their new house being decorated at the moment?
10 Will the windows be cleaned?
11 has a new jumper been knitted?
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  • Kotenok
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    Present Simple Passive (Много Время Провести)
    Пояснение: Времена Провести- это формы глагола "быть" в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени, используемые в форме страдательного залога. Для образования Пассива времени Prresent Simple используется местоимение "he/she/it" в основной форме глагола с окончанием -s или -es, а для вопросительной формы используется вспомогательный глагол "do/does". Вопросительные и утвердительные предложения с использованием Passive Present Simple обычно содержат временную частицу "twice a year", "at the moment", "once a month", "next month", "last week", "tomorrow", "just", "going to" или "going to".
    1. Do his teeth get checked twice a year?
    2. Is her skirt being cleaned at the moment?
    3. Do I get my hair trimmed once a month?
    4. Will central heating be installed in our house next month?
    5. Was Sam"s burglar alarm fitted last week?
    6. Is my car being repaired at the moment?
    7. Has the band"s new single just been recorded?
    8. Is our new furniture going to be delivered tomorrow?
    9. Is their new house being decorated at the moment?
    10. Will the windows be cleaned?
    11. Has a new jumper been knitted?
    Совет: Чтобы лучше понять использование и формы Пассивного глагола, рекомендуется ознакомиться с таблицами и примерами использования для каждого времени.
    Закрепляющее упражнение: Перепишите предложения в утвердительной форме:
    1. Are the dishes being washed by John?
    2. Is the letter being written by Sarah?
    3. Is the guitar being played by Alex?
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