Conditional Sentences
Английский язык

1. Do you think she is worried about us? If she were worried, would she call or do something? 2. Do you have

1. Do you think she is worried about us? If she were worried, would she call or do something?
2. Do you have an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow? If you manage to finish before 4.30, will you do the shopping on your way back?
3. Did Tom miss his flight? Would he have gotten to the airport on time if he hadn"t overslept?
4. If I had such a large house like yours, would I invite all my friends for the weekend?
5. Is the child not playing with matches? Would he have not burned himself if he hadn"t been playing with matches? Now he"s in the hospital.
6. Is she very shy? If she talked to people, would she make friends?
7. So, you are
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  • Мила
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    Theme: Conditional Sentences

    Описание: Conditional sentences are used to express hypothetical or imaginary situations and their consequences. They consist of two parts: the condition (if-clause) and the result (main clause). In this case, all the sentences are in the form of a second or third conditional.

    1. The first sentence expresses a hypothetical situation about someone"s worry. If she were worried about us, she would likely take some action like calling or doing something to check on us.

    2. The second sentence talks about a possibility in the future. If the person finishes before 4.30, they will have time to do the shopping on their way back from the appointment.

    3. The third sentence discusses a past event and its hypothetical outcome. Tom missed his flight because he overslept. If he hadn"t overslept, he would have gotten to the airport on time.

    4. The fourth sentence presents a hypothetical scenario related to having a large house. If the person had such a large house, they would probably invite all their friends for the weekend.

    5. The fifth sentence highlights a negative situation in the past. The child is currently in the hospital because they burned themselves while playing with matches. If the child hadn"t been playing with matches, they wouldn"t have burned themselves.

    6. The last sentence discusses someone"s shyness. If she talked to people, it implies that she is not talking to them currently, and hypothetical result suggests that she wouldn"t be very shy.

    Sentence 1: Если она была бы озабочена нами, она бы позвонила или сделала что-нибудь? (Do you think she is worried about us? If she were worried, would she call or do something?)

    Совет: To understand conditional sentences, it is important to distinguish between different types of conditions (real, unreal, past, present, future) and their corresponding consequences. Pay attention to the verb tenses used in both the if-clause and the main clause, as they can indicate the time frame of the condition and result.

    Практика: Предположим, ты выиграешь в лотерею. Что ты сделаешь с деньгами? (Imagine you win the lottery. What would you do with the money?)
  • Lunnyy_Shaman
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    Subject: Conditional Sentences

    Инструкция: Conditional sentences are used to express hypothetical situations or conditions and their possible outcomes. They consist of two main parts: the "if" clause (also known as the conditional clause) and the main clause. The "if" clause states the condition, while the main clause expresses the result or consequence.

    1. In the first sentence, the speaker is questioning whether the person mentioned is worried about them. The hypothetical situation is that if she were worried, it is expected that she would take action by calling or doing something.

    2. The second sentence asks if the person has an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow. The condition given is if they manage to finish before 4.30, indicating that the appointment might take a while. The hypothetical outcome is if they finish early, will they do the shopping on their way back.

    3. The third sentence is in the past tense and refers to Tom missing his flight. The implied condition is if he hadn"t overslept, indicating that oversleeping caused him to miss the flight. The hypothetical outcome is whether he would have gotten to the airport on time if he hadn"t overslept.

    4. The fourth sentence is expressing a hypothetical situation with an unreal condition. The condition is having a large house like yours. The hypothetical outcome is if the speaker had such a large house, would they invite all their friends for the weekend.

    5. The fifth sentence talks about a child playing with matches and the possible consequence. The condition is the child not playing with matches. The hypothetical outcome is whether the child would have not burned themselves if they hadn"t been playing with matches. The sentence further explains that they are currently in the hospital, implying that they did burn themselves.

    6. The final sentence asks if the person is very shy and presents a hypothetical situation in which they talked to people. The outcome would be if they talked to people.

    1. Do you think she is worried about us? Если бы она беспокоилась, позвонила бы она или что-то сделала?
    2. Do you have an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow? Если вы успеете закончить до 4.30, будете ли вы делать покупки, возвращаясь?
    3. Did Tom miss his flight? Добрался ли бы он вовремя до аэропорта, если бы не проспал?
    4. If I had such a large house like yours, would I invite all my friends for the weekend? Если бы у меня был такой большой дом, как у тебя, пригласил бы я всех своих друзей на выходные?
    5. Is the child not playing with matches? Would he have not burned himself if he hadn"t been playing with matches? Now he"s in the hospital. Ребенок не играет с спичками? Он бы не обжегся, если бы он не играл с ними? Теперь он в больнице.
    6. Is she very shy? If she talked to people, would? Она очень застенчивая? Она бы разговаривала с людьми, если бы...?

    Совет: To better understand conditional sentences, it"s important to identify the condition (the "if" clause) and the possible outcome (the main clause). Pay attention to the verb tenses used to indicate the hypothetical situation. Practice creating your own conditional sentences by changing the conditions and outcomes.

    Проверочное упражнение: Create a conditional sentence using the following information: "If it rains tomorrow, will you take an umbrella?"
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