1. Did he build his house in 1997? 2. Did they go to a concert last month? 3. Did you give her a gift yesterday? Yes
1. Did he build his house in 1997?
2. Did they go to a concert last month?
3. Did you give her a gift yesterday? Yes, I gave her a gift yesterday.
4. Did we not see each other this week?
5. Did my friend break her phone this year?
6. Did the children not go to camp during the summer?
7. Why did he move?
8. Did you go hiking over the weekend? No, we did not go.
21.12.2023 19:44
Пояснение: Для ответа на данные вопросы мы используем прошедшее простое время (Past Simple Tense). В прошедшем простом времени используется форма глагола во 2-й форме (нерегулярные глаголы имеют свои особенности). Для образования утвердительных предложений в этом времени, мы используем форму глагола без вспомогательного глагола. Для отрицательных предложений добавляем отрицательную частицу "did not" перед глаголом во 2-й форме (или используем сокращенную форму "didn"t"). Вопросительные предложения образуются путем инверсии с вспомогательным глаголом "did" и глаголом во 2-й форме в начале предложения.
Доп. материал:
1. Did he build his house in 1997? - Yes, he built his house in 1997.
2. Did they go to a concert last month? - Yes, they went to a concert last month.
3. Did you give her a gift yesterday? - Yes, I gave her a gift yesterday.
4. Did we not see each other this week? - No, we did not see each other this week.
5. Did my friend break her phone this year? - Yes, my friend broke her phone this year.
6. Did the children not go to camp during the summer? - No, the children did not go to camp during the summer.
7. Why did he move? - He moved because of work.
8. Did you go hiking over the weekend? - No, we didn"t go hiking over the weekend.
Совет: Чтобы лучше понять правила использования прошедшего простого времени, рекомендуется изучить основные глаголы во 2-й форме. Также уделите внимание вспомогательному глаголу "did" и его использованию в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.
Задача для проверки: Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Did she watch a movie last night?
2. Did they visit their grandparents last week?
3. Did he clean his room yesterday?