Английский язык

1. Could you please shut the window? I feel cold. 2. Lesgaft University is situated close to the city center

1. Could you please shut the window? I feel cold.
2. Lesgaft University is situated close to the city center.
3. Did you enjoy the football game you watched yesterday?
4. I have an interesting magazine with me.
5. How is your coach called?
6. Our best athlete is the student who assisted you yesterday.
7. As the classes ended, we made the decision to go to the library.
8. In the morning, he typically has a cup of coffee and a sandwich.
9. The president serves as the leader of the state in America.
10. The monarch is the ruler of the country.
Верные ответы (1):
  • Изумрудный_Дракон
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    1. Could you please shut the window? I feel cold. - Прошу закрыть окно. Мне холодно.
    2. Lesgaft University is situated close to the city center. - Университет Лесгафта находится рядом с центром города.
    3. Did you enjoy the football game you watched yesterday? - Вам понравилась футбольная игра, которую вы смотрели вчера?
    4. I have an interesting magazine with me. - У меня есть интересный журнал.
    5. How is your coach called? - Как зовут вашего тренера?
    6. Our best athlete is the student who assisted you yesterday. - Наш лучший спортсмен - студент, который помогал вам вчера.
    7. As the classes ended, we made the decision to go to the library. - По окончании занятий мы приняли решение пойти в библиотеку.
    8. In the morning, he typically has a cup of coffee and a sandwich. - Обычно утром он пьет чашку кофе и съедает бутерброд.
    9. The president serves as the leader of the state in America. - Президент служит лидером государства в Америке.
    10. The monarch is the ruler of the country. - Монарх является правителем страны.


    Вопросы о каждом предложении помогут проверить понимание изученных фраз и выражений, а также совершенствовать навыки чтения и перевода.


    Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

    1. Could you pass me the book on the table?
    2. The teacher explained the lesson very clearly.
    3. I enjoy playing tennis in my free time.
    4. The library is located near the park.
    5. She is a talented singer with a beautiful voice.
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