Заполните предложения, используя соответствующие формы глаголов learn или study . Обратитесь к странице 64 в учебнике для правила
Английский язык

1. Complete the sentences by using the appropriate forms of the verbs learn or study . Refer to page 64 in the textbook

1. Complete the sentences by using the appropriate forms of the verbs "learn" or "study". Refer to page 64 in the textbook for the rule. 1. When he was at university, Mike _________________ history. 2. Do you find it difficult to _________________ new words in a foreign language? 3. Don said he had been _________________ sciences for 5 years at school. 4. The young actress _________________ that she would act in a new thriller. 5. Joe is currently _________________ three foreign languages at once. 6. Bob _________________ the poem by heart yesterday. 7. Doris _________________ the words of a popular song. 8. Where did you _________________ to swim so well? 9. You have to _________________ for a long time to become a good doctor. 10. The boss _________________
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    Содержание вопроса: Заполните предложения, используя соответствующие формы глаголов "learn" или "study". Обратитесь к странице 64 в учебнике для правила.

    Пояснение: Для выполнения этого задания вам необходимо использовать формы глаголов "learn" или "study" в соответствии с контекстом предложений.

    Дополнительный материал:

    1. When he was at university, Mike studied history.
    2. Do you find it difficult to learn new words in a foreign language?
    3. Don said he had been studying sciences for 5 years at school.
    4. The young actress learned that she would act in a new thriller.
    5. Joe is currently studying three foreign languages at once.
    6. Bob learned the poem by heart yesterday.
    7. Doris studies the words.

    Совет: Для запоминания правильных форм глаголов "learn" и "study" лучше всего практиковать их использование в контексте. Напишите предложения, используя эти глаголы, чтобы закрепить их значения и формы.


    Заполните предложения, используя правильные формы глаголов "learn" или "study".

    1. I have been _________________ French for two years now. (study)
    2. She _________________ a lot about history in school. (learn)
    3. They want to _________________ more about space exploration. (study)
    4. The students _________________ diligently for the upcoming exam. (learn)
    5. We should _________________ from our mistakes. (learn)
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